photography 1 Morgan barton

This photo I took for a assignment for color. one of my favorites because of the extreme color.
This is my favorite picture iv'e taken this class. i took this photo for an assignment we got to choose what to do.
This photo is a great photo. its so fall, the color of the leaves. I took this for framing of fall.
This photo is really good. I took this for leading lines.
This photo was one of my very first i'm very proud of it. i turned this one in for simplicity.

I make art because i really love it. I love seeing people look at my work and liking it. I do it because it's a way of expressing myself without words and most of all it is enjoyable. My older cousin inspires me to do good because she has love photography for as long as i can remember and her photos make me say ah. they are so beautiful and i want to be like that and people do that when they see my photos. most of my art work is nature to represent how beautiful it is or can be. My photos are unique because i took them i have a different eye then another person. my photos are what I love. I wasn't to crazy about having photography but my work means to me that i can do anything I want. Each of my photos had a different meaning. they just have to be found.

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