Andrew Jackson Elijah cline


Father,Andrew Jackson Mother,Elizabeth Jackson, Soldier, Waxhaws, two older brother, poor, his parents is from Ireland,and his father died a few weeks before Andrew was born, he was captured by British soldiers and receiving a scar across his face from the sword of a British soldier.


Erratic education in waxhaws wilderness, moved to tennessee to practice law and he became a lawyer (not much formal education).


Andrew Jackson was entered as a soldier at the early age of 13 and then he went to school and became a lawyer


Jackson's drive for party organization was spurred by his own difficulties with Congress. In eight years, Congress passed only one major law, the Indian Removal Act of 1830, at his behest.7th US President.8 years in office.

Impact and Legacy

Jackson implemented policies that profoundly affected the territorial, political, and economic development of the United States.Andrew Jackson gained more power than any other president before him and he was widely liked by the people of the US.

Fun Facts

Jackson is the only president to have been a prisoner of


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