Learning Objective #4: Exams Post-test analysis with office hours visit

If there is one rule about college to remember, it is this: graded tests are one of the most valuable learning tools that a student can possibly have. Test after test, students will throw this tool into the garbage without looking over what they need to work on, further hindering their performance. Numerous students will refuse to go over graded tests that are online, refusing to even open the shared answers file in fear. In this Learning Objective, students will learn how to examine their tests and thoroughly analyze the reasons why they missed particular questions, while receiving feedback for future tests from a professor.

Objective: Learn and test the best practices for preparing for and taking exams


For this exhibit, we had to choose our most difficult class this term and complete a Post-Test Analysis Form, which can be seen below. Using this form, I went through the questions that I missed on my last test for my Spanish 1020 class and identify the possible source of the errors (carelessness, unfamiliar material, misread question, did not finish, etc.).

Post-Test Analysis

Previous Test: SPAN 1020 Chapter 7

Screenshots of my last Spanish test. The questions that were missed can be easily identified in red pen.

Source of Error, Previous Study Methods and Interview

When identifying the source of error in the questions that I missed, I realized that all of the errors were caused by carelessness, which is something that I definitely need to work on. After I finish a test, I always make sure to go over the questions that I was unsure of, but I sometimes do not review some questions as well as I should. I also noticed that most of the questions that I missed were written questions (labeled WP for Word Problem on the Test Analysis Form), which also tells me that I need to work on those kinds of questions, as well as work on my spelling of Spanish words as well as learn to answer according to the context of the question being asked.

I also sat down with my Spanish professor and asked for specific advice on how better to prepare for the next test. Her main advice was to study verbs and tense, saying that was probably the main thing that I messed up on. She also recommended that I brush up on my verb conjugations. For the Chapter 8 Test coming up, my professor recommended that I study the imperfect and the correct tense of verbs, as well as the verb "Gustar" and Double Pronouns.

In addition to discussing what I could improve on and what I should specifically study for the next test, we discussed the methods of studying/preparation that I used for the previous test. For the Chapter 7 Test, I developed a study plan over the course of six days and attempted to follow it to the best of my ability:

I split the material that was going to be on the next test into 5 sections, plus a Review section that I would look at everyday in addition to the section being studied that day. Each day I would go over the previously reviewed section(s) in addition to going over a new section. I didn't set a time limit for studying the sections every day; I just stopped once I felt that I thoroughly knew the material. This plan was very effective until I slacked off the last two days and didn't look over everything that I should have. I also briefly went over the Review portion once, instead of going over it every day.

Study Plan for Chapter 8 Test

For the next test, I didn't find out when it was until two days beforehand, so that was great to find out. It was 100% my fault because I was so busy with assignments in my Anthropology class that I didn't look up when the next Spanish test was. My study plan over the course of those two days consisted of the following:

Day 1: Review over the main topics that are actually going to be on the test, create Quizlets on the vocabulary words (4 sets), study over vocab

Day 2: Review over the imperfect form and the 3 exceptions (Ser, Ir, and Ver), review vocabulary, review double pronouns, review the verb "Gustar" and how to use it in sentences for the imperfect.

The study technique I used: "Learn this stuff as soon as possible and cram it in your brain." I spent hours studying over the material; learning the vocabulary took up the main portion of time. During the next test, I plan on using my time effectively by skipping the questions that I am unsure of and coming back to them later instead of spending time staring at them. I will also make sure to read very carefully what the question is asking in order to avoid careless mistakes.


Overall, the experience was very enlightening and still would be one of those students that throws the test away/stuffs it in my book bag, never to see the light of day again. Going over the previous test really showed me what I needed to work on in general and really helped me to review for my next test. I felt as if the form should include more general options for the type of question because none of the options really applied to my kind of questions. My suggestion would be to include an "Other" option, like in the "Reasons Answer Was Not Correct" Section, so that it can be specified. Overall my interaction with my professor was quick, painless and very informative. She clearly explained what I needed to work on and what I needed to study for the next test and was very cooperative throughout the whole thing. I think she thought the process was going to take longer than it actually did because she seemed surprised when we finished. I learned great interpersonal and collaborative skills during this process, as well as learning that my professor isn't as scary as she seems.


Created with images by Komsomolec - "study student dictation" • lecroitg - "test testing bubble form"

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