Alexander the Great His life

Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C. He was the son on King Philip of Macedonia and his wife Olympia. He was tutored by the philosopher Aristotle. from whom Alexander developed a love for the works of Homer. When his father was assassinated, Alexander became king.

Alexander's first action as king was to destroy Thebes in response to their rebellion. This intimidated other city-states, and kept him in power. He then went on to conquer the Persian empire and to destroy their capital.

Following his conquest of Persia, Alexander marched to Egypt and crowned himself Pharaoh. He started a long campaign towards India, but was stopped when his men refused to go on.

Alexander the Great died from a fever in the palace of king Nebuchadnezzar II, at age 32. It speculated that he was poisoned. After his death, the kingdom was divided into 3 parts, after his generals fought among themselves for a successor.


Created with images by Xuan Che - "alexander the great" • The Art of Nature... - "Alexander the Great on his Steed" • Tilemahos Efthimiadis - "Bronze helmet of the Corinthian type. Late 6th c. BC. Cycladic Art Museum, Athens, Greece"

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