
Create Virtual Portfolios design • create • CURATE • Share


Select a platform to create and share your portfolios, like the RVSchools Google Suite, RVS MyBlueprint or RVS Wordpress Schoolblogs. Get started on your digital portfolio by adding pages to your layout for a homepage, a gallery, and a blog.


First of all, make content that matters. Create art, stories and artifacts that you're proud of. Your web portfolio is a creation itself, but the content that fills it is what tells your story and establishes your digital identity.


Select your best creations and arrange them attractively in your web portfolio. Aim to be professional. Use high quality visuals that places your work in its best light. Curate the content that will be engaging for your audience.


Your digital portfolio is intended for an audience, whether it's your peers, parents or the public. When you have a portfolio you're proud of, you'll want it to share it with the world.

Here's an example of a classroom digital portfolio.

The Visual Arts & Media Academy website features the beautiful examples of student digital portfolios, as well as a link to the teacher's professional artwork.


Another example of an online portfolio that shares curated content from Rocky View Schools.

Created By
Rocky View Studio


Created with images by Rick Gaudio, Learning Specialist, Rocky View Schools, Alberta, Canada. Animations stills by Mickey Macdonald from "What Learning Looks Like in RVS" Episode. Website screenshots from the WH Croxford Visual Arts & Media Academy and Rocky View Studio websites.