Camp Green Lake A place of fun forgiveness

Camp Green Lake reforms kids with great teaching, fun activities, and planting the seeds of truth and hope. Everyday the kids wake up, and are ecstatic to start the day. They dig holes and plant "seeds of truth" (cacti). Doing this builds their character, and teaches them that anything can grow, including themselves. We value physical, mental and emotional growth at Camp Green Lake. We also make sure that every camper has their needs met and has fun.

The cacti past campers have planted.
Camp Green Lake's diverse wildlife

Camp Green Lake the town was founded by Jonathan Brooks in 1857, starting its extensive and wonderful history. He saw great potential in the lakeside shore, planted crops there, and settled down. Trout Walker, a rich man from the area saw great potential and invested in the facility. On one condition, that it became a place of fun reform for kids. The camp before had been a fun camp where Brooks had taught kids to plant. Despite his reluctance he agreed to Walker's conditions due to the fact that camp was running out of money. Trout Walker's ideals for the camp are still present today.

Jonathan Brooks

Today, the camp has beautiful scenery, although it is in a desert. The natural beauty inspires awe in many people who see it. Don't worry though, the campers get plenty of water! It has comfortable living quarters, an expansive recreational area, and a shower area. There is medical staff always at the camp, and we have some of the best medical equipment out there.

The living quarters

Camp Green Lake is located in Green Lake, Texas.

Call 555-5REFORM to schedule your boy's stay today!

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The beautiful landscape
Camp Green Lake is one of my favorite places! - Happy Camper I had so much fun at Camp Green Lake- Excited Camper


Jonathan Brooks picture from


Created with images by Rennett Stowe - "Desert Twilight" • Dave Lonsdale - "Giant cactus" • SidPix - "Scorpion" • bamyers4az - "Western Fence Lizard" • Grand Canyon NPS - "Grand Canyon Lodge North Rim 0021" • Unsplash - "desert landscape rocks"

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