On Liturgy By: isabella SweenEy

March 1, 2017, Period B

What is a Liturgy?

A liturgy is a ceremony or religious worship in mass. It is also called a Eucharistic service.

Mass as Sacrifice

During mass we have communion. In communion Christ gives his body and blood as a sacrifice for our sins.

Community and Liturgy

The Church is a community. We accept everyone and we stand together as one. We share the love of God and each other. Christ didn't only sacrifice himself for one or two people but for everyone as a community and hoping one day we would all be ONE.

Liturgical Diversity in the Church

The Church is diverse because it takes in anyone from any culture or background. The Church doesn't discriminate and allows anyone to be apart of our big family where we all love each other and God.

The Church is unified and diverse because we all believe in God and are unified through that and diverse because no one is the same in the way we worship.

I have neither given nor received unaithorized help on the work.


By Isabella Sweeney

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