My Life-Defining Moment By S.Alshatti

My parents divorced when I was 10 years old. It completely changed my view on everything. Nothing was perfect, fairy tales weren't real, and there were no more happy endings. The abuse had gotten to be too much for my mother, and my age allowed my mother to get custody of me; so, she filed for a divorce as soon as possible. I remember how we packed up the entire house in one night, and we moved into my grandmother's house. My brothers were too young to understand, but I was old enough and I knew what was going on. From then on, I was expected to be mature and I felt obligated to take care of my brothers alongside of my mom. So while my brothers played with their toys, not having a clue about anything going on, I was the one carrying the load.

My mom's side of the family didn't really support my mother. At the time, divorce was still a taboo in my country, and it was even worse when you had kids. We had to all survive on one salary, in a tiny and cramped apartment. Sometimes, we didn't have enough money to fill the car up with gas, so one of her sisters would pick us up and take us to school. When my mom was at work and we didn't have school, I had to watch my brothers. I had to help around the house since we didn't have enough for a maid and my brothers would probably wreck something if they helped. I had to grow up really fast.

Despite the rough time we had, I feel like it changed me for the better. I'm a tough and responsible person. I've also become a very independent person who doesn't need a man to get things done. I know I'll carry this with me for the rest of my life, so maybe it wasn't all bad. Just the rain before the sunshine.
Created By
shoug als


Created with images by anyulled - "Sky" • succo - "hammer horizontal court" • Alexas_Fotos - "hang out plush toys kermit" • Efraimstochter - "grandstand toys males" • Alexas_Fotos - "duck funny soft toy" • @cdharrison - "Sky"

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