'Make' Live show journal Jiho Lam 10M2 Vision Mixer

Thursday 1st December 2016: After deciding a suitable role for us,(The list contains: Presenter, Floor Manager, Camera, Director, PA, Vision Mixer, Sound Mixer and Autocue). we each had to decide on with a role which we were unfamiliar with, as well as well as comfortable with doing. I decided on Vision Mixer, and we were tasked with writing an application letter for our teacher, who will then decide whether or not if we are suitable and will be able to successfully perform our role during the live 'make' show.

I was able to successfully obtain the role I desired, which was vision mixer, and I then was placed in a group with group mates fulfilling different roles.

Research of Vision Mixer: With different online tutorials and videos explaining the role of vision mixer, I was able to gain an extra understanding of how to properly perform my role. An example of one of the videos is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hdlBBV4iII, where someone explains how a vision mixer acts and works. I also watched different kinds of shows, especially live 'make' shows, to see how their vision mixer use different shots and scenes to improve the shows.

A live news show being broadcasted as well as the people behind the scenes. I partly used this as reference on how I changed cameras and VT clips.

ANALYSIS OF TV 'MAKE' : I decided to analyse a Blue Peter live show, where they cooked something. I mainly analysed how the vision mixer used different VT clips and changed the camera.

By using a wide range of different shot types, the vision mixer worked together with the camera to successfully made the show more interesting by changing the way the audience views the show. Using close up on the presenters while speaking, we were able to see his emotions and the way he spoke it. This lets the audience also feel more involved, because they can easier look at the producer, so it is as if we are speaking with the presenters face to face. I also perceived that these shots were not as common as wide shots of both the presenters. I believe the reason behind this is so the cameras don't change too often, as then it might be seen as panicky or hectic, which is something undesirable.

A close up of a presenter speaking
A close up of the ingredients being mixed

By using a close up the ingredients, we can also be more engaged as the ingredients are mixed, and also gives us a better understanding if we ourselves would be performing and following what is on the live 'make' show. I can use this technique during our live show, when we are producing an object, so I can also implement these kind of shots as we are filming. With this, I can make sure the camera zooms in, so I can use these shots to their full effect.

A wide shot of the table and both presenters

With this wide shot, we can inspect both presenters speaking to one another, as well as being able to clearly see what all the actions the presenters are making. This allows the audience to be fully immersed in both the actions and speaking of the presenters, which will boost how enjoyable the show will be for the audience. I can implement this technique when the presenters are speaking together, as well as important moments, which will make a pleasanter experience for the audience.

Sherlock BBC, an award winning television show which was broadcasted from July 25 2010 to the beginning of this year was one of the most popular tv shows of this decade. Using a wide variety of social media such as twitter, facebook, youtube and others, to show things such as clips and trailers of the tv show itself, but also behind the scenes with the different cast for the fans of the show to enjoy. This itself is a very effective marketing strategy, as it gives the fans of the show extra content, and can also interest people like students who wish to learn more about film making. Using popular social media, they also show clips and trailers promoting their own show through a large variety of different social media so more people will encounter it. By sharing it to a larger view base, they successfully promoted their show which increased their popularity and how famous they are. They also often communicate with the fans of the show, even bringing them on to their set for Q&As. This lets the fans become closer towards the TV show, as they experienced the cast and set in real life. Since it is mostly young adults who mainly uses the different social media, BBC are mostly promoting themselves to young adults, which seem to be their primary target audience.

January 12 2017: This is one week before the filming of the live 'make show'. For the two hour period which we have, we decided to review and improve our script, and letting our presenters to test and practice using the script. While this was happening, I was discussing and suggesting ideas for our VTs. I planned for Evan (our PA) to handle with animated our VT clips, as I was unexperienced in animation and didn't have the software nor the skills to create proper VTs for our live show.

As Evan was producing the VTs, I gave him a variety of different ideas on how the animation should be like. I made sure to read over the script, to make sure I am familiar with the camera's rotations as well as how the different segments of the show will take place.

Since another group had their filming session today, our teacher, Ms Stanton, decided for us to watch and review their session, and finding positive and negative factors to think about and to take note of for our session next week.

I have decided to mainly watch how the vision mixer and PA reacts to different situations for the other group. I watched for positive and negative actions which their PA and vision mixer has done, and made sure I kept them for when I need to do the live show next week.

We each needed to bring certain items for our live show, which is on creating homemade slime stress balls. I was in charge of bringing the equipment of creating the slime, which includes : A mixing bowl, measuring equipment and mixing equipment.

The equipment I provided

We also prepared a small schedule on things such as when the VTs needed to be completed and when I should bring the equipment in. Nidhi, our director, contacted us about this and planned out most of the logistics on how the live make show will be filmed and produced.

January 19 2017: Today is our live 'make' show. Before beginning with our actual live show, we have completed some practice takes to prepare for the real show. I practiced using the different buttons and techniques, and getting used to handling the software and the different camera and VTs.

This is a clip of us when we are in a rehearsal. This was after I have learned the basics on how to use the tricaster ( the software which operates the cameras and VTs). Although I know how to use the tricaster and also how a vision mixer works like, I still panicked at small instances as the rehearsal was going on.

Here is a video of one of the actual production:

While the the first actual take took place, for around the first few minutes, we were silent and anxious, however at around the end we started to slightly panic as the presenters were silently doing performing the actions of making the slime. I mostly listened to the director's and the PA's instructions, however there were times in which I had to improvise.

We ensured that this has reached our target audience through spreading it using youtube, and other related social media. We understand that television is most commonly used among older individuals, which were not our target audience, which was teenagers ranging from around 12 to 18. Since the way television audiences has changed over time, we also understand that the individuals who are in-between those ages most commonly use their phones or computers as their main source of watching films, so by sharing it through the internet, it will be easier accessible for them to view. This will be able to be accessed through all the different main sources of film viewing (Computer, Mobile Phone etc) since it will be uploaded to places such as youtube, where the film will be easily accessible.

I feel I could have completed more research on my role, as I could have accomplished a better result for my group if I was more skilled in my reaction times or how I reacted and quickly thought about solutions when something such as the presenters being silent took place. In my opinion, I believe we successfully created a live 'make' show the way we planned, however I understand that it could have been improved if my skills as a vision mixer was higher. Throughout the project, I could have tried to communicate with my group mates more often, however we were able to work together to create this show.

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