Week 7 Overview EDUC 640: School Administration

Watch the 5-minute Week 7 Overview video below. Then scroll down to read important information for your success in Week 7.

Read & Study

Textbook chapter 10

Watch 2 videos

  • “Religious Rights of Teachers and Students in Public Schools”
  • “Sources of Law and the Court System”


Discussion Board 4: Thread -- Because you are provided options of topics from which to choose, always make your choice clear at the beginning of your post. If you are answering a question, state the question first and the location of where you selected the question. (Your two replies to others’ posts are not due until next week.)

SIP PowerPoint Presentation -- Remember that the PPT is supposed to display your ability to communicate integrity, fairness, and ethics. Make this obvious (maybe with a particular slide for this purpose). Explain on the slide how integrity, fairness, and ethics were considered in the School Improvement Plan.

If you lost points on your goals in the Data Analysis or Implementation Plan, please revise them to avoid further point deductions in the PowerPoint. Revise them to comply with SMART goals in Chapter 2. Also, if you are struggling with developing your goals, click the button below for examples and tips for success in writing goals.



If you haven’t already, you may start uploading into LiveText all the elements of the School Improvement Project, which is due in Week 8. After you do the PowerPoint this week, you will have already completed all the parts, so all you will need to do is to upload everything in LiveText and click “Submit.” (If there were areas of improvement noted after your first submission of each element of the SIP in Blackboard, I recommend that you make those changes before uploading to LiveText.) For help on uploading it properly, click the button below to watch a video on uploading the SIP into LiveText.

Practicum Assignments

Field Experience Summary (FES): Last week’s overview announcement gave tips on completing the FES. Please review it if you need guidance in preparing the FES for submission in Week 8.

Field Experience Assessment (FEA): Remind your onsite mentor about an e-mail that should have been sent from LiveText with three items: (1) a link to the website where the FEA is located, (2) a username, and (3) a password. (If your mentor cannot find the e-mail, advise your mentor to go to www.LiveText.com and to click the FORGOT button.) To ensure that this is set up for your mentor, you may go to LiveText and click on the "Field Experience" tab. If you see this practicum experience listed with your onsite mentor, both your mentor and I can see your FEA. If you cannot see it there, something is wrong, and we will not be able to see it either. If your practicum is not visible there, please notify me soon so that we can fix this.

Week 8 Due Date

As we begin to wrap things up, remember that Week 8 assignments are due by 11:59 p.m., Friday evening. Because of this, you might want to begin working early on Week 8 assignments so that you can get them in on time.

May God's peace be yours. -- Dr. Sam Smith
Created By
Samuel J Smith

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