The Three Agricultural Revolutions By: Tyler Hudson

The First Agricultural Revolution was about the transformation of human societies from hunting and gathering to farming which took place in Eastern United States in 2500 BCE, Mesoamerica in 3500 BCE, Andean Highlands in 3500 BCE, Fertile Crescent in 8000 BCE- 8500 BCE, China 7500 BCE. Humans went from hunting and gathering to domesticating animals and plants. It changed human civilization because it advanced farming in agriculture and made things take less work. Sunflowers were grown in Eastern United States, in Mesoamerica; corn, beans, squash, and turkey were farmed. In the Andean Highlands; potatoes and llamas were farmed. Wheat, barley, goat, and sheep were farmed. In China, pigs and millet were raised.
The Second Agricultural Revolution occurred in the 1800's and was mainly about new agricultural practices in Western Europe. It was made for new innovations like a curved metal plate used for a plow, a horse collar for faster cropping and easier work. Crop rotation was used to grow a sequence of different crops in the same field in order to maintain soil fertility and health. It's main focus was to make farming more easy and efficient.
The Third/Green Agricultural Revolution occurred in the 1900's and is about biotechnology and technical innovations in farming and working. It happened to advance mechanization and provided diesel engined tractors. It also reduced the amount of laborers. It Increased yields and caused more pollution. Genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are made to modify the original organism such as fruit or meat to make it better for the buyer. Some pros are that the plants and animals are growing faster and bigger but it's hurting the animals and people are forced to torture animals.


Created with images by G123E123E123K123 - "Farm" • Parker Knight - "Crops" • tpsdave - "tractor grain mixer rural"

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