Jurassic Period By Quinn Volk and Amber Cross

Fact #1

Pangaea began to split apart during the Jurassic period.

Fact #2

Very Diverse Set Of Plants and Animals

Fact #3

201.3 to 145 mya

Fact #4

The first birds appeared during this period.

Fact #5

Brachiosaurus stood up to 52 feet tall and stretched 85 feet

Fact #6

There was very diverse plant life.

Fact #7

small mammals were everywhere

Fact #8

There was a very low amount of oxygen in the air.

Fact #9

High amounts of carbon dioxide

Fact #10

There was lots of water vapor in the air.

Fact #11

This early version of the crocodile lived during this period.

Fact #12

Giant Reptiles Dominated

Fact #13

Diplodocus was 90 feet long

Fact #14

Cycads are woody plants that produce seeds, they grow in tropical, subtropical, and warm climates

Fact #15

Spaces in between moving continents allowed oceans to form and sea levels to rise.

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Created with images by technicolor76 - "water drops" http://www.livescience.com/images/i/000/038/330/original/mammal-mama.jpg?interpolation=lanczos-none&downsize=*:600 http://www.dinosaurusi.com/video_slike/IrlIOKostt-9-Jurrasic-Period-2-200-million-earth-his https://www.chewvalleytrees.co.uk/images/made/uploads/products/new-GINKGO-BILOBA-4_1200_900_90_s.JPG https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/66/141466-004-0FFBC090.jpg http://www.northwestnewspapers.co.za/herald/images/series/indigenoustrees/Broodbome%20is%20gesogte%20tuinplante%20en%20versamelaarsitems.jpg https://www.wpclipart.com/world_history/earth/Jurassic_scene.jpg http://www.bgs.ac.uk/discoveringGeology/time/timechart/phanerozoic/images/jurassic.png http://www.dinosaurusi.com/video_slike/Cosv3BjCl5-Dinosaurus_-_Dinosaur_-_Dinosaurio_-_Dinosaure_-_Archeopteryx005.jpg http://www.extinctanimals.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Brachiosaurus-Images.jpg http://www.famouscutouts.com/images/detailed/0/1034-Diplodocus.jpg

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