Colegio Menor Summer Reading Project Winners

Congratulations to all Summer Reading Project participants! All of our students worked hard and submitted excellent projects! Every student who participated may enjoy an extra book check out until December holidays!

Using a rubric and looking for highest quality work in content knowledge, creativity, originality, and presentation, our Judge Panel selected the following students as grade-level Grand Prize Winners.

Congratulations, Summer Reading Project Winners!

2nd Grade:

Juaquin Lezaca Velazquez - Debussy

I Am Abraham Lincoln (non-fiction)

Emilio Camacho - Schubert

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Domenica Lizarzaburu - Haydn

El Libro de la Selva

3rd Grade:

Jose Ignacio Bustamante - Brahms


Bruno Brenha - Brahms

Sapos del Ecuador

Martin Rosero - Mozart


4th Grade:

Dahna Roman - Stravinsky

Click the link below to watch video!

Sara Elisa Carerra - Verdi


Amalia Roldan - Tchaikovsky

Click below to watch video!

Julian Mena - Tchaikovsky

Súper Bébe

5th Grade:

Maria Belen Alvarado Burbano - Bach

Geronimo Stilton

Sara Arteaga - Ravi

Narnia - El Caballo y el Muchacho

Alegria Bustos - Orff

Septimus Heap: Flyte

Martin Revelo - Haendel

Ancient China (non-fiction)

6th Grade:

Lia Moreno - Miguel Angel

Gregor de las Tierras Altas

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