Online Reputation

90 percent of colleges look at social media accounts before admitting kids into their college.

60 percent of employers check job candidate's social media accounts before hiring them.

81% of Americans have social media. 92% of teens have social media. Adults making less than $30,000 per year use Facebook almost 10% more than ones who make over $75,000. (The less you use the internet the less chance you have to have a bad digital footprint)

Your digital footprint is the trace you leave online.
Your online reputation is how you look to people online. This could be good or bad. A bad online reputation includes you posting dangerous activity and risk behaviors to your social media. These do not look good to colleges and employers. A good reputation is one where you do not post any inappropriate stuff.
I googled myself and pictures come up. You should do this too, so you can make sure nothing bad comes up.
This is what you online reputation consists of.
This is a chart of what percent of people searched each type of business on the internet. What came up swayed the opinion of the customer on whether or not they shopped there. Online reputation matters for business's too.


Created with images by Photo-Mix - "google on your smartphone search internet"

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