Mlk & Little Rock nine By: josie EliZabeth sophia jasmine elise

Martin Luther king Jr.

Martin Luther king jr. was born on February 15, 1929 in Atlanta Georgia and died April fourth 1968 in Memphis Tennessee. He went to Boston university for four years and got his bachelors degree. He was assasinayed in 1968, shot and killed outside his hotel room by James Earl Ray.

Martin Luther king jr. was a speaker and created speeches about the civil rights movements. He was a harmless protester, so blacks and white can be best friends forever. His most impacting speech was called "I have a dream" . I have a dream speech is a public speech delivered by public activist, Martin Luther king jr. On the Washington march for jobs and freedom. On august 28, 1963 in which he calls an end to racism in the USA and call for civil and economic rights. His lasting impact was putting an end to racism

Little Rock nine

Little Rock nine foundation was created to pro store the ideals of justice and equality of opportunity for all. It was formed in 1957 in Little Rock centers highschool. From where forged into the fierce education of the pursuits of nine young black children, the foundation is dedicated to the policies and practices of the 21st century.

They were sent to an all white school, and they had to be protected by one soldier per child and they were not allowed in the classroom with them so they got bullied in school bathrooms and classrooms. The Little Rock nine changed the landscape of schooling in the USA Today. They struck a blow for education for all races and they will forever be a part of American history

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