The Florida Museum of Natural History Natalia Braga

Nature on Display


The Florida Museum of Natural History has an entire Rainforest dedicated to butterflies. You are thrown into a world of butterflies. Flying around me were all kinds of different butterflies that I had never seen before, and butterflies that I had seen before. This exhibit captured my attention because these creatures were roaming free mindlessly without any qualms about humans watching them. It was through observing the behavior of these insects that I realized how truly relaxed and harmless they are when they're roaming. Outside of the museum, you do not see them as frequently, and it was magical being able to see them in a safe environment. Butterflies are remarkably beautiful. To be able to appreciate and learn about them was an experience.

Nature and Ethics

Butterfly Murder

Ethics is a particularly controversial field. Regarding the butterflies, many believe it is unethical that a man-made butterfly rainforest even exists. They would argue that nature is not something that can be created or captivated nor should it be created or captivated. In conjunction, many people believe studying these creatures is unjust when you have to kill them to dissect and analyze beyond mere observation. Ethics prompts many questions about human curiosity. Should we be able to learn about the world if it means compromising the worlds of many other living creatures?

DNA lab

Nature and the Human Spirit

Me in the Butterfly Rainforest

I was fortunate enough to have a butterfly land on me. The majesty of nature is unpredictable and innocent. This butterfly landed on me and it showed me interaction. I was able to connect with nature. Butterflies and humans aren't even relatively similar creatures other than our dependency on oxygen and other fundamental things, yet we have the opportunity to interact. We can interact in reality, not just a man-made butterfly rainforest. Its important to spend time in nature because it provides us insight regarding this world. Nature provides perspective beyond humanity. I wholeheartedly believe that a Good Life cannot be the Good Life without the addition of nature's simplest joys and diverse creatures.

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