Juan Ponce de León By aedan o.

Juan Ponce de León was born in Leon, Spain in 1460.

He worked as a soldier before his career as an explorer.

Ponce wanted to head to the Americas so he could search for gold.

His sponsoring country was Spain and the royal family.

Juan Ponce de Leon started in Spain and headed west to the Americas.

He landed in Florida and headed south down the coast and around the islands called the dry tortugas and south down to the coast of Cuba, and did a loop around Cape Catoche and back to Cuba.

Juan Ponce de León had many encounters with the natives. Most of these said encounters were bad. When Juan reached the present state of Florida sometime between 1510 to the early 1520s, there was a war... a war that would prove to be fatal to many men, women and children including Juan Ponce de León. It is thought that he received a shot to the right upper thigh.

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