Dogs By:Putter

There are over 300 types of dogs. The smallest breed of dog is chihuahua. The largest breed of dog is the great dane. And there are some breeds of dogs that help police. Read on to find out more about the differences of dogs, uses of dogs, and what they look like.

Did you know there are so many breeds of dogs?. One type of dogs is chihuahua it is the smallest dog. And another type of dog is pug. Pug is not very big, it is a fat dog. And last type of dog is a beagle. A beagle is a very smart dog. Beagles can help police to smell, and this is some types of dogs.

Did you know dogs can be used to do many things? Many people have dog as a pet because dog can play with you. Did you know some dog help police. They help police to smell, and now you know that dogs can use to do many thing.

Did you know dog have many different appearance? Some dog are very big and some are very small. Big dog can do many thing for example helping police. Small dogs people like to have it as a pet. Some dogs have fluffy hair, people like to get them as a pet to. And now you know some appearances of dogs.

There are over 300 different breeds of dogs. People have many use for dogs. They can be big or small. If you want to get a new pet, think about getting a dogs.


Created with images by Sasha the Okay Photographer - "Dog" • indamage - "Dog" • Eddie~S - "dog" • The U.S. Army - "afghanistan" • Pezibear - "dog young dog small dog" • howo - "dog water run"

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