1960's Protest Music Lyndon Told the Nation - Tom Paxton

Artist: Tom Paxton

Release Date: 1965

Tom Paxton songs: Talinging Watergate, Train for Auschwitz, George W. Told the Nation, Peace Will Come, Under American Skies

Lyrics: "I got a letter from L.B.J - It said, "This is your lucky day"- It's time to put your khaki trousers on- Though it may seem very queer- We've got no jobs to give you here- So we are sending you to Vietnam"

Lyric meaning: The entire song is about being sent to Vietnam by Lyndon Johnson and how Johnson said they'd never have to go and not to worry about the war escalating but they're "sending fifty thousand more"

Lyndon Johnson started sending troops to Vietnam in 1965, which is the same year that the song was released

Lyndon Johnson Told The Nation by Tom Paxton is protesting sending troops to Vietnam and how it really isn't a war. Also it reflects on LBJ "Yet how sadly I remember- Way back yonder in November -When he said I'd never have to go"

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