Fake News What it is and how it spreads


  • Pervasive - Means something is prevalent, or it won’t go away as easily.
  • Virality - The tendency of an image, video, or a piece of information to to be circulated widely and rapidly.
  • Gamed - Abusing the system for one's own benefit.
  • Transparency - The condition of being transparent
  • Flash point - a place, event, or time at which trouble, such as violence or anger, flares up.
  • Clickbait - Content whose main purpose is to attention
  • Echo Chamber - (metaphor) A description of a situation in which information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a defined system.
  • Discerning - Having or showing good judgement.

Why is fake news becoming a problem now?

Why is fake news becoming a problem now when no one seemed bothered by it before before? Fake news has been circulating the net for a while now and has brief skirts with the media, but it has never had this much attention before. Well some people say that fake news affected the results of the recent US presidential election, others say that’s just an alternative fact. While it isn’t really clear if fake news had any real effect to the US presidential election, it is clear that fake news has affected everyone, because according to (source 5) 44% of Americans get their news from Facebook and (source 1) claims that fake news about US politics equaled to about 10.6 million of 21.5 million total shares.

What are Facebook and Google doing to stop fake news?

What are Facebook and Google doing to stop fake news? Both Google and Facebook received major backlash after the US presidential election because of fake news being widely circulated on their respective platforms. Well according to (source 5) Google and facebook have stopped accepting advertising relationships with fake news sites. This means that making fake news is not as profitable as before. But this doesn’t stop the people who are spreading fake news to spread misinformation and cause confusion. What are Google and Facebook doing to stop these people who just want to spread misinformation? Well according to (Source 1) Facebook has enlisted independent fact checkers to tag fake stories. Also Google is doing their part too, according to (source 3) Google has banned 200 publishers from its AdSense Network in 2016, and a number of those publishers were fake news sites.

How believable is fake news?

How believable is fake news? Well you’d think it’d be easy to tell fake news from real news but the truth more shocking than you think. According to (source 5) on Facebook the top 20 fake news stories actually triggered more clicks than the top 20 real news. This and the fact that (source 5) “44% of U.S adults get their news from Facebook.” Means that almost half of the country has consumed fake news that was spread through Facebook.

Created By
Kenneth Sem


Created with images by topgold - "Sunday News" • stevepb - "newspaper news media" • Sarah.Marshall - "Facebook" • Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com - "Was Nino Rubbed Out? I Read it at CVS!" • ralph and jenny - "Bankrupt" • filipe ferreira - "News"

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