Brass Master Class With Les Neish and Jonathan Corry

On Wednesday area band students from Farwell and Harrison went to Mid-Michigan Community College to attend a Master Class led by Les and Johnnie.

Les and Johnnie

Les Neish is a world renowned Tuba player who is also a member of the Brass Band of Battle Creek - the Brass Band where the worlds best brass players come to play!

Johnnie Corry is a conductor and cornet player from the UK

Listen to this video to get an idea of why we were so excited about learning from these guys!

Getting to know the students
Let's chat a minute

Of course how could we start without getting in a selfie to post on Twitter!

Twitter selfies
Johnnie talking about trumpet and cornet embouchure.
Les answering Tuba questions.

Stretching those muscles

Concentration skills

Getting moving

Tips with Les and Johnnie!

Some tuning ideas.

Tuba questions
Let's make music!
Playing together
The Farwell and Harrison Band Students that participated in the Clinics

Thanks for the visit Les and Johnnie! You continue to inspire those you are around!

Thanks to Mrs. Danielak for setting this event up. Thanks to the Harrison School Administration for helping sponsor this Master Class.

Thanks to the Farwell Band Boosters for helping sponsor the classes as well! Without your support our band students would not be getting the same level of music education!

Thanks to Mid-Michigan Community College for allowing us the use of the room!

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