Littleton Throwback #sharelittleton #throwbackthursday

Hometown boy David “Dave” Grusin grew up in Littleton. He was son of longtime jeweler, Henri Grusin. Born in 1934, Dave is shown here on Main Street with Tony LaRocco. Both boy’s fathers had stores in downtown Littleton. Dave’s father Henri was a violinist, and his mother, Rosabelle, played piano. Graduating from CU Boulder with a BA in music in 1956, Grusin’s music can be heard in around 100 films. He has won many awards, including an Oscar for Best Original Score for The Milago Beanfield War in 1988. Other Oscar nominations include compositions for The Fabulous Baker Boys, On Golden Pond, and Tootsie. Grusin has also received Grammy Awards and been nominated for a Golden Globe Award. Several members of his family are also in the music business. This photo is from the Tony LaRocco family collection.

#ShareLittleton #ThrowbackThursday #TBT #LittletonHistory

(From the collection of the Littleton Museum. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the Littleton Museum.)

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