The Current State of Artificial Intelligence by the Global Head of AI at Prudential

PEX Network recently spoke to Michael Natusch, Global Head of Artificial Intelligence, Prudential plc, about the current state of Artificial Intelligence(AI), it's relationship with Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and the main advantages it's going to bring to organisations.

The Key to a Successful AI Initiative

Michael operates in a new function at Prudential, where he works for the Group Chief Digital Officer. His role is to look after all things related to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

The main challenges to Artificial Intelligence Implementation

In “The Current State of Artificial Intelligence” Michael shared his views on:

  • How new a technology is Artificial Intelligence “AI”
  • How Artificial Intelligence can affect companies
  • The key to a successful Artificial Intelligence initiative
  • How AI can help build enterprise-wide feedback loops where they can learn from what's happened through automation
  • To choose Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Robotic Process Automation (RPA) or both for your enterprise
"RPA" Robotic Process Automation
The Current State of Artificial Intelligence

I hope you enjoy the Michael’s thoughts. Let me know!

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Steven Bonacorsi


Jamie Burton

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