Advanced Digital Photography P2-16 300 sosa bangbang

My photography is about getting detail even on the simplest things. I like to bring out details that the human eye doesn't usually pay attention to. I take most of my pictures close up so I can get more texture in a photo and give it more attention, and when i edit i usually fix the brightness first and I use a lot of contrast to the point that it looks good. I love photography because its a way for me to express what i feel and what i want others to see, its a way that people can look through my eyes and know how I feel.

The first photo was done using just a lamp and the second photo was done using an exterior flash with white paper in order to wash out the brightness of the flash.
This photo was taken outside and the white balance was in the wrong setting, so i had to change that and i also used a reflector in order to capture her face with more detail.
The first photo was taken inside a shack with barely any lighting so it came out blurry because of the shutter speed, and to fix it I used the camera flash because it is not as bright as the external one and i didn't want to blind the puppy
Close up of a beautiful rose with rain drops
one of my first photos with my camera
Buzzzzz off
It's a little dusty
Beautiful and dangerous
The sun goes down
Something good


Buena Photo p2-16

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