Captions By: emma schroeder

Who: James What: building a part of the tower When: March 14th Where: Photo Imaging class Why: For a project before spring break. James Brown works on his project for photo imaging class before he gets off for spring break. The teams were assigned marshmallow and spaghetti towers for a team building exercise.
Who: James Brown What: figuring out his next step Where: Photo imaging class When: Class before spring break Why: to finish a team building exercise. A part of a three person team, James Brown tries to figure out his teams next move for a team building exercise he was assigned before spring break.
Who: James Brown When: Class before spring break Where: corner of photo imaging class What: marshmallow tower Why: a fun exercise before spring break. Before spring break, Mr. Walters assigned a fun exercise involving marshmallows and spaghetti straws. James Brown is working hard to make his teams tower the best before spring break.
Who: James Brown What: working on a little part of his teams tower When: Beginning of March Where: corner of photo imaging class Why: to be the first team finished. In the corner of photo imaging class in the beginning of march, you would find James Brown and his team working hard of their marshmallow and spaghetti towers for a team building exercise in Mr. Walters class.

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