The Great Depression Makayla Koenig

The Great Depression was between 1929-39, starting in the United States due to a stock market crash.

1933 was the worst year of the Great Depression. There was a 25.5% unemployment rate. Also Hitler became the chancellor of Germany then opened the first concentration camp.

People that would lose their homes a lot lived in homes called "Hoovervilles" (shanty towns) named after president Herbert Hoover.

The Wall Street crash of 1929 was the big reasoning for the Great Depression. "Black Thursday", "Black Monday", and "Black Tuesday" tie into the crash. (Tuesday was the worst day.)

Superman, Flash Gordon, and Dick Tracy comic strips kept the kids entertained while the Great Depression was happening.

The stock market didn't go back to normal ( before the Great depression) until 1954.

empire state building
chrysler building
Golden Gate bridge
Rockefeller Center

All of these building were built as a part of a depression era worker relief program.

Homeless people aka hobos would ride train cars places because they couldn't travel any other way. People believe over 50,000 people died due to jumping cars.

Almost half the kids in the US did not have a shelter, food or any way to keep healthy. Most had diseases.

A lot of schools were reducing their hours or even shutting down. Around three million kids left school and hopped around on train cars either with their parents or by themselves.


Created with images by FDR Presidential Library & Museum - "Great Depression Exhibit" • Thomas Shahan 3 - "White Collar, c. 1940 - Linocuts by Giacomo G. Patri" • DzidekLasek - "auschwitz history the museum" • Rodrigo_Soldon - "Morro dos Prazeres" • Trung Đinh - "tuesday" • squeezeomatic - "Superman comic design on chair!" • Tax Credits - "Stock Market" • Unsplash - "empire state building new york city skyscraper" • ASSY - "chrysler building new york skyscraper" • Bruce Chiong - "Happy 75th Anniversay Golden Gate Bridge!!!" • Doooooris - "new york manhattan rockefeller center" • tetedelart1855 - "Nagasaki" • K. Kendall - "Holding his hand" • robertstinnett - "Old Kemper Military School - Boonville, MO"

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