Healthy Development Artifacts

My Virtual Child -Jaiden.

From birth to 11 years old.

Cognitve, Language, Social-Emotional, Physical Development.

In healthy development my virtual child was Jaiden, he was a well tempered child who tried hard to always please me by following the rules, he was very excited when he found out there was a baby on the way, and when she arrived Jaiden took on the role of big brother right away and was very helpful. Jaiden was behind in his speech in his early years, but picked up on it later on. His strong subjects in school were science and math, he was above average in his assessment and was said to be gifted. Some of the assessments were a bit frustrating, because I was working so hard on helping Jaiden improve his speech but he didn't pick it up when he was supposed to, other than that this assignment was a lot of fun and it was a great learning experience.

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