Georgia By Parker

These are from the peach state.

State capital Atlanta. 4th... state January 2, 1788. State flower Cherokee Rose.

Average summer temperature 90. Average winter temperature 47. Annual precipitation 50 in

This famous person is named Jimmy Carter. He was the 39th President of the United States.

The falcons stadium is in Atlanta.

Coca Cola was made at Atlanta in 1898.

The museum at Atlanta the dinosaur was the first museum in history.

Chicken is a natural resources of food

Peanut is a natural resources to.

And shrimp


Wood flooring is manufactured in Georgia. This is way to make money.

This alligator lives at Atlanta with 12000 aligators

A cartoon network channel is part of Georgias economy. I love the simpsons, wowo.

Native Americans used rocks to make this rock eagle.

Martin Luther King Jr. lived in Georgia. He died in 1967.

I used these resources. DK state-by-state Atlas. My World Social Studies Student Atlas. United States Georgia by Rich Smith.

I hope you learn so much about Georgia sometimes you will be in Georgia .

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