Pop-Art Thomas Condo

March 8- Today Mrs.McCall checked our sketches and she told us which ones she liked and didn't like. We are going to start the first part of our project today and it'll be lots of fun I can't even wait to get started. My artist is Romero Britto because I liked his art the most because it is very eye catching and creative.

March 10- We worked more on the project. We researched more into our artist and found which pictures we should do. Found colors I liked in my picture and I will start drawing them soon. We have to draw one big sketch that fits the entire paper without a center focus picture

Last class we sketched our drawings on full sheets of paper and started coloring them. We are moving on to the next part once I finish coloring my drawing. We have to put it on a big sheet of paper.

This class we started drawing full page and design. We had to make it exactly like the small one on the larger scale. Started coloring and will keep coloring next class. Not much to say about today we mainly just focused on drawing and getting that done for next class.

This class we kept working on our sketches and started coloring. Its looking pretty good and im proud of my design. lots of progress is being made and i will have more of it done next class.

this class we continued coloring our pictures. it almost complete even though today was the due date. i will have this part done by next class and will begin on the next part of the project.


Created with images by The Hyper-Psych Art of Michael J Bowman - "Detail from a hyper-psych painting by Michael J Bowman"

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