Williamsburg Photo Journal By jillian lee

Susannah Beverley Randolph
Fishing Hooks

These are fishing hooks used by the Powhatans. They are made of deer bone and are used to fish.


This is how leather is made. Deer skin is hung taught by string that is attached to a wooden frame. The Powhatan then used shells to remove the fur with a scraping motion. Most of their clothing is leather so this is a very cruscial step to creating their clothes. After they remove the fur they tan the leather.

Hats in the Millinery
Seamstress sewing
Stay (similar to a corset)

Today I went to the millinery. It was calm and I was greeted by the familiarity of expensive cloths, patterns and items. There three women and many hats, stays, and other accessories for both men and women. The stays reminded me of a corset and I would buy them for my three children and myself. I would also buy some of their hats and finer pieces of silk. To order these items I would ask the milliner(s) to see the items that I desired.

Randolph House

Today I visited my aunt's house. I visit Aunt Betty very often as she gets lonely without Uncle Peyton. I particularly love the apple pastries that her servants make. They are absolutely delicious.

Dining Room

This is my favorite room in the house, the dining room. This is where delicious meals are served by my aunt's servants. You can see the marble mantel and many meats and sweets are displayed in the dining room.

My favorite item in Aunt Betty's house is Aunt Betty's bed. Her bed is the most expensive in all of Williamsburg. It is a gorgeous canopy bed with colorful, intricate patterns on only the nicest cloths.

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