This Year in Art BY Jacob Bibb (A period)

"Bee Line" Canvas and Sharpie
"OBJ" Aluminum Wire
"Canvas Cave" Canvas, Paper
"Bouncy Balls" Canvas, Paint
"Rick's Place" Canvas, Pencil

I put my emphasized building in the bottom left corner on the point of emphasis. This building is one of the larger ones and has a lot of decoration on it including a balcony, large windows, and a double door.

I used line in my piece by drawing lines to the vanishing points and using vertical and horizontal lines to show depth. I used shape in my piece with the shape of the buildings, their decorations, the road, and sky. The also help show depth and are interesting shapes that keep the viewer entertained for a while. The third element I used was value. I used this by shading the buildings to show that they were three-dimensional.

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