How do online database resources fit into OER?

Online databases may be used to locate OER supplemental resources.

Online database resources should generally fulfill rubric qualities for supplemental materials. Of note, built-in system features may help provide accommodations (e.g., read aloud and translation) for a variety of learners and content may be searched and filtered by reading level, source type, publication date, and more. Content is edited and explicit authority allows for easy citation.

How exactly do online databases differ from general web resources?

What online databases are available for GUHSD teachers & students?

What about logging into them?

NOTE: You must be signed into your GUHSD account to open the link above.

Why should I bother?

As a teaser, check out all of the databases that are available just within EBSCOhost.

Taking EBSCOhost's Explora interface as an example, check out some of the features.

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Suzanne Sannwald

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