Andrew Jackson The HerO OR THE GOOD JACKASS

The seventh President of the United States

Became A war hero in the battle of 1812

Abolished The National Bank

The bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me but i will kill it

Andrew Jackson

First National Bank

Andrew Jackson's Kitchen Cabinet

Some people think that having a Kitchen cabinet was bad because it was Andrew Jackson talking to his closest friends about political things, some say it's bad because he didn't refer to his presidential cabinet instead.

The only reason he had a kitchen cabinet was because he trusted his friends and thought they would help him make the best decisions.

He expanded the Country

-He gained fertile farmland for American farmers

-he also spread U.S. ideas and innovations that are still used today

Penguin, Morgoth. “Morgoths Review.” Blogspot, Accessed 10 Mar. 2017.

Created By
Isac Trollsas


Created with images by xmith xmith - "jackson" • DonkeyHotey - "Seal Of The President Of The United States Of America" • dbking - ""Battle of New Orleans" by Ethel Magafan" • RLBolton - "White House" • Pexels - "countryside cropland farm" • panina.anna - "locomotive rotating" • MemoryCatcher - "paddle steamer paddle boat river boat"

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