The Renaissance By:Emanuel Salas

Marco Polo and the Silk Road

The reopening of the Silk Road helped spark The Renaissance because Trade cities in Italy grew stronger and more wealthy and they competed against each other.Also when Florence was a center for arts and learning, the Renaissance began.I say this because in the text it says,”Trade cities in Italy grew wealthy and competed against each other.As Florence became a center for arts and learning, the Renaissance began.(p289)”This shows that the Silk Road helped wealth.In conclusion the Silk Road helped spark the Renaissance becauser the trade cities grew and they competed against each other.

The dark green line is where Marco Polo traveled for the Silk Road.

Italian Trade Cities-Florence

Medici Family

The first photo shows the art that the Medici family hired artist to decorate the city and the palace.The second photo shows bankers the reason they are there is because the Medici family were the biggest bankers in the city.The third photo shows the architecture.This is because the Medici family hired architects to decorate the city and their palace.The last photo shows education this is because the Medici family made library's and his bankers had to know how to read, write, and do math.

Rediscovering the Past (Greek and Roman)

Greek and Roman classical ideas help shape the development of the Renaissance by finding Humanism, rediscovering the past, and medieval art.I say this because in the articles we read the titles say it is because the titles are "Humanism", "Rediscoveringthepast" and "Classicalvs.MedievalArt".This shows that this is mainly what the articles talk about.In conclusion Greek Zander Roman classical ideas help shape the development of the Renaissance by finding Humanism, rediscovering the past, and medieval art.

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was a great artist and intellectual of the Italian Renaissance.People mostly know him for his long lasting art"The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa."


Paper and Printing(Johann Gutenberg)

Johann Gutenberg created a printer that helped people so that they didn't have to copy the writing word by word.Also since this happened there was a lot more books and the prices went down for them.

Renaissance Writing (William Shakespeare)

William Shakespeare's writing reflected the ideas of Humanism because he felt like people mattered and reflected that in his work.I say this because in the text it says,"Shakespeare wrote more than 30 comedies, tragedies, and histories."This shows that he made a lot of plays based on true stories.In conclusion William Shakespeare's writing reflected the ideas of Humanism because he felt like people mattered and reflected that in his work.

These are two of the works of William Shakespear.

"O! she doth teach the torches to burn bright" Romeo and Juliet Quote (Act I, Sc. V).

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