Thalia Jiménez Portfolio | ARCH 2700

Project 1: Structural Equillibrium

For our first project we were to design a static equilibrium model. The goal was to create a structure made out of string and rods that supported two one-pound cubes using tension and compression (no glue was allowed).

As shown below, we started by sketching different designs that we thought could work taking into account tension, compression and other forces such as gravity.

When putting our project together, we encountered some obstacles. The first design we chose for our structure (shown below) was not stable enough. Even though it could stand by itself, if shaken a little it would collapse since it didn't have enough horizontal support.

Finally, as a group we came up with a design that provided more support and stability for the structure. This was done by placing rods under the cubes and then using strings to pull them back, suspending them and holding them in place.

Project 2: Structural Live Load Test

For my project I designed a 24 inch long bridge made out of basswood sticks that weighed 0.144 pounds. In order to make it resistant, I decided to include not only vertical but diagonal and horizontal supports all throughout the bridge. I placed the horizontal basswood sticks on the top and the bottom, the vertical ones in the middle and the sides and the diagonal ones where the vertical loads were to be placed at 1/3 and 2/3 points along the bridge in order to support the weight.

During the testing, vertical loads were applied on the bridge by 2 strings that were hanging down and carried weighs.
As weighs were added, you could see the bridge starting to deflect and it collapsed when it reached 7 weighs. This means that the bridge was able to hold a total of 21 pounds.
After it collapsed, most of the bridge was intact except for where it broke off.

When watching the video of it collapsing, I noticed that it broke at the point where the table ended. I think this could’ve been avoided by providing more vertical and horizontal support at that point and at the bottom of the bridge and also by making it longer so more of its surface was supported by the table.


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