Conservation By Mandi

An introduction to conservation

"Conservation" is defined as the act of protecting Earth's wilderness from being destroyed for commercial use. Tracts of land like this slough in Oregon are protected thanks to conservation.

Theodore Roosevelt, who held the U.S. office from 1901 to 1909, was skilled in many fields, but he is widely known for his successful conservation efforts. In 1901, he established the United States Forest Service, which preserves the nation's forests for future generations to enjoy. In total, Roosevelt created 150 protected forests, 51 bird reserves, 4 national game reserves, and 5 national parks across the United States. Over 350,000 square miles of land are preserved thanks to his presidency.

An image of massive landforms in Theodore Roosevelt National Park, located in North Dakota, USA.

John Muir is nicknamed "Father of the National Parks" because he founded many parks across the country. He helped to found and preserve Yosemite National Park. He was well known during the Progressive Era as a hard-working, self-educated man who fought for preserving natural resources. He also was the leader of the Sierra Club.

The John Muir Trail, located in Kings Canyon National Park, California.

Gifford Pinchot was once the head of the U.S. Forest Service. As a young child, he was always interested in nature and took frequent trips outdoors. He left a lasting impact on America by officially coining the term 'conservation' in 1907

The beautiful Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Washington, USA. It exceeds one million acres and contains lush forests that are home to many animal species.


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