In the story of Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" an important character in the story is the Caterpillar. It is blue, is three inches high, and smoking a pipe, sitting on a mushroom. It is a type of few words, very shy and sensitive.
Alice is particularly annoying the way he expressed himself in "monosyllables", he finds particularly annoying curiosity of Alice and prefers to dodge responding every question with other questions.
The Caterpillar teaches Alice how to cope with the difficulties she encounters in Wonderland. He teaches her how to change size by eating the mushroom . The Caterpillar doesn’t have a name. In Tim Burton’s 2010 movie, he has been named Absolem.
  • "Alice+nel+paese+delle+meraviglie+bruco - Cerca Con Google." Alice+nel+paese+delle+meraviglie+bruco - Cerca Con Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2017.

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