Implementing Effective Restorative Practices in Pubic Schools an effort to reduce school UPSHOT among underserved students of color

The Problem

The School-to Prison Pipeline begins in the classroom.

In order to cease the war against students of color, effective Restorative Practices are necessary in reducing school pushout (i.e. suspensions and expulsions) by teaching emotional literacy, building a school culture, and consistence in the fight for change.

What are Restorative Practices?

Talking Circles are used in and Oakland, CA school to deescalate tense situations as well as build positive and thoughtful relationships between students.

My Experience with the Benefits of Restorative Practices

The Academy for Integrated Arts is located in Kansas City, MO
One of my parents thanked us with tickets to the circus because of the hope we've been able to instill in our student, XL.
Every week, we have an assembly to celebrate Harambe, which ends with mindful meditation.
An example of a Think Sheet at AFIA

How do we implement Restorative Practices

  1. Make the case for Change
  2. Build an Implementation Team
  3. Create a vision for the future
  4. Communicate the vision
  5. Remove Obstacles
  6. Celebrate Short-Term wins
  7. Keep the Pressure on
  8. Maintain the gains

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