Holy People of the Middle Ages by Blake Dallas

Leo IX was born on June 21, 1002.
Leo IX became pope on February 12th, 1049.
He was captured by the Normans for 9 months, and died shortly after returning home.
St Dominic was born on August 8th, 1170. He founded the Order of Preachers. St Dominic is the patron saint of astronomers.
St Francis of Assisi was born in Italy circa 1181.
While being held ransom, Francis would see visions from God.
He abandoned his life of luxury for Christianity.


Created with images by Jorge Lascar - "The 30.6m ⌀ dome and the chandeliers with Islamic patterns - Hagia Sophia" • Jorge Lascar - "Hagia Sophia" • Jorge Lascar - "One of the entrances - Hagia Sophia" • Rennett Stowe - "St Dominic" • Michael 1952 - "The Class - Third Order Regular 1977" • fred_fiii - "shadow of doom" • Bradley N. Weber - "St. Francis Taos" • Randy McRoberts - "St Francis Door" • Michael 1952 - "St Francis of Asissi"

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