ENL3005M Project Daeun choi- Presentation

ENG3005M Literature, Film and Gender

This project will focus on the

post-feminism and related feminist theory

to substiantue the notions of

Cosmetic Surgery Boom in South Korea

and their relationship to

South Korea's popular culture

in the case study of film 200 pound Beauty, Human form and television drama The Birth of Beauty

According to Research

South Korean's plastic surgery is the capital of the world

Celebrity influence is believed to be another factor behind the cosmetic surgery boom in Korea. ..In addition, some TV dramas and films glorify cosmetic surgery. The hugely successful 2006 Korean film “200 Pound Beauty” is one example.

Another explanation for the high rates of cosmetic surgery in Korea is the desire to achieve a more “Westernized” look. This is reflected in the popularity of certain procedures.

Ruth Holliday and Joanna Elfving-Hwang (2012)
  • Existing Research demonstrate-either as an undesired effect of western cultural influence or as a feminized issue evidencing women’s continued subjection to patriarchy.


(Krall 2003:D1; Heyes 2009, appearing in Heyes and Jones 2009).

Kathy Davis (2003) Feminist Theory

- The Case of Cosmetic Surgery,” Ethical Theory-

- Cosmetic Surgery as Feminist Utopia -

The case study of Korean Television drama

- Birth of a Beauty (SBS,2014)

The drama is about an overweight girl who undergoes extreme plastic surgery to become pretty and revenges to cheated husband.

FILM-'200 Pounds Beauty' (2006)

The film is about an overweight girl who undergoes extreme plastic surgery to become a pop sensation.

FILM-'hUMAN FORM' (2014)

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