Glass Reflection

What colors did you use for your pendents?I used cool colors like light blue and sea foam green.

What did you learn about the glass melting after you fired it? Did it change? I learned it smoothed out and takes shape of your bottom glass. It did not change.

What was the hardest part about the making process? I think the hardest part was cutting the class. I think this because it was hard for me to cut the glass in a perfect shape.

Who is going to receive your glass pendent? My mom.

Glass Vocabulary


Description is identifying the literal qualities or realistic presentation of subject matter, along with the elements of art found. It demands only the facts of what can be seen, often in one or more works of art; and partly two or more works can be described by comparing them to each other.


A plan, or to plan. The organization or composition of a work; the skilled arrangement of its parts. An effective design is one in which the elements of art and principles of design have been combined to achieve an overall sense of unity.


The part of a composition that is emphasized, has the greatest visual weight, the most important, powerful, or has the most influence. A certain color can be dominant, and so can an object,line, shape, or texture.


The element of art that refers to an object with three-dimensions (height, width, and depth) and encloses volume.


The colors name. Example: red


The relation of one thing to another with respect to size and placement.


The combination of elements or art, such as line, shape, or color, in an artwork. Variety is a principle of design.

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