
Guidée par le savoir expérientiel de la jeunesse issue de la neurodiversité, Sens.és Making transformera la manière dont nous répondons et agissons collectivement pour la création d’environnements communs sûrs.

Guided by the experiential knowledge of neurodiverse youth, Sens.és Making will transform the ways in which we respond to and collaboratively create sensory safe environments for all.

Sens.és Making is supported by the CHILDBRIGHTNetwork, under Canada’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) initiative.


Les résultats ainsi que le processus de mobilisation d’institutions, d’entreprises locales, ainsi que le gouvernement dans l’amélioration de l’environnement sensoriel d’établissements commerciaux, de santé et de transports collectifs.


The processes and outcomes of engaging local institutions. businesses, and governments to ameliorate our sensory environments in healthcare, commercial settings, and public transportation.

De plus, nous porterons une attention spéciale sur la durabilité ainsi que la générativité du projet en incitant la jeunesse à mettre en place des initiatives pour transformer leur quotidien.

In addition, we foreground the project’s sustainability and generativity by empowering our children and youth participants to create research-in-action initiatives to transform their everyday worlds.


We are pleased to announce we have received the 2019 CHILD BRIGHT KT Innovation Incubator competition award.

March 27, 2019.

Sens.és Making co-led by Natalie Miyake (autism advocate and parent, West Island Association for the Intellectually Handicapped), Anabel Sinn (Sustainable Design lead), and Dr. Melissa Park (School of Physical & Occupational Therapy at McGill University), will use the the grant funds to create, with youth and their families, inclusive spaces for neurodiversity in their local communities and an online hub of universal sensory design strategies to engage the public about the impact of sensory experiences on well-being.

More specifically, the team will:

  • Place children/youth on the autism spectrum and their families at the centre of the project to co-create initiatives that will change everyday sensory spaces based on their experiential knowledge
  • Collaborate with children/youth on the spectrum to represent messages and important themes, which will be accessed on the online platform
  • Use ethnographic methods (e.g., photographs, mini-films, stories, fieldnotes of participant observations) to document the process of engaging the public, co-designing and evaluating initiatives.

This is an innovative project that aims to modify sensory environments in health care and commercial settings and that will be co-led by people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and family members of children/youth with brain-based developmental disabilities. They will document the process through ethnographic methods to better record their different approaches at engaging the public in collaboratively creating and implementing child and youth-led initiatives to help create these neurodiverse-friendly environments.

For more information contact us: makingsense@connectednarratives.org

Sens.és Making is supported by the CHILD-BRIGHT Network, under Canada’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) initiative.