The Holocaust:A Horrific Act By:James lee

Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Natzi party. He was born in Austria but later became the German chancellor in 1933. As the leader of the Natzi party, he told them to make laws specifically for Jews. These laws included wearing the Star of David, not being able to leave their homes for a few hours, and these laws had escalated quickly. Hitler ordered for the Jewish people to be deported to labor camps, concentration camps, or kill camps/death camps.
The Star of David was very crucial in many Jews life in the Holocaust. Jews had to wear the star at all times. The Star of David represents God and the real world. The triangle pointing up represents the passage way to God. The triangle pointing down means the real world.
The gas chambers were one of the most horrific part of the Holocaust. These chambers were used to kill the Jews by gassing them. Thousands of Jews, even millions were killed in these chambers if they were deemed useless to the Natzis.
Created By
James Lee

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