PES DSGNR. The official design club of PES university

You need it, we make it.

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This is our body of work.

Well, some of it :P


Civil department's annual technical fest. We provided complete re-branding services and made several creatives for them, including all their banners and a marketing brochure.

Main poster detailing all events
Event poster - Paper Tower
Event poster - Treasure Hunt
Banner on the college wall
Student's Lounge Banner


Infini is the international annual sports fest held annually. These are some of the creatives we made for them.

Throwball Poster
Pro Kabaddi Poster
Badminton Poster

The most amazing artists.

Extremely skilled and capable artists, adept in crafts of sketching, painting and origami.

Meet the core team.
The best design solutions, guaranteed.

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Created By
Anurag Gaur

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