How do you sleep at night? what bedroom would you choose?

The tasteful loft

The Nest

Sleepover anyone?

Working at the car wash ...yeah baby!

The Bali Spa

Whatever you prefer - there's nothing quite like a warm, safe, cosy cocoon...sanctuary at the end of a day...

But how can we sleep at night when people in one of the most liveable cities in the world struggle to survive without shelter - one of the most basic human needs?

On July 2 I'm joining the Big SleepOut

To raise money and awareness of the issue for the LifeWise Trust

I need your help - a donation to offer hope and shelter for people in need.

Who Am I?

I'm David MacGregor. Owner of This is the 6th year I have passed the hat around for this cause. I won't go away until the problem goes away.

I'm grateful for your help, Lifewise really do make a difference - and so do you.

Just one more thing...

Please share this little story with your family and friends on Twitter and facebook - just copy the link and paste in your timeline. Thanks

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