J.k Rowling ReNaIsSance woman

Everyone knows that J.k Rowling is the greatest British author, but there might be some things that you may have never known about her and her life.

Now before she was popular she was teased a lot about her last name and was called “Rowling pin” by her school friends.

Also she never really liked her name and preferred Potter and that's how she got the idea of Harry Potter.

Also when she was 6 years old, she wrote her first book about a rabbit with measles,and it was hard for her to write that book because her hand writing wasn't that good.So she kept trying every night and once she finished that book her mom appraised it.Then J.k considederd publishing it, but that didn't happen.

She later was encouraged by one of her friends named Sean.Sean encouraged J.k to keep writing and she would get better so she did.Sean also happened to own an old battered Ford Anglia that later on appeared in the second book of Harry Potter.There's a lot about J.k Rowling's childhood, but if I were to tell you every last detail we would be sitting here all day.So lets go back to the future.

This is what a Ford Angelia looks like

To start.J.k Rowling’s birthday is July 31st and so is Harry Potter’s.Her favorite book series that she made is the Harry Potter series, and the reason why is because the Harry Potter series revolves around her life.J.k Rowling created the first Harry Potter book on a manual typewriter in 1996.

J.k Rowling has 1 sister named Dianne Rowling and she is an aunt and the reason why I am telling you about her sister is because of this.

J.k Rowling got married in 1992 to 1995 to Jorge Arantes but soon got divorced,and went to live with her sister Dianne Rowling, and J.k took her 4 month baby along.In fact, she got the idea of Dementors when she got divorced,and dementors are supposed to suck all of the happiness out of your body.So as you can tell it was hard for J.k Rowling to get back up on her feet,but once she wrote the 4th Harry Potter book she made $4,000 and was still slowly recovering from the divorce.

In case you were wondering what a Dementor looked like

Now that we have discovered J.k Rowling's childhood/adulthood let’s look at some interesting things about J.k Rowling.So about the whole divorce thing she later on got remarried to Neil Murray.Then had 2 kids with Neil Murray Mackenzie Murray , January 23, 2005; David Murray , March 24, 2003;.J.k Rowling has won 17 awards from just the Harry Potter series that she made.Her birth place was Gloucestershire, England.She actually came up with Harry Potter on a delayed train.Her father, Peter Rowling was an aircraft engineer and her mother, Anne Rowling was a science technician.

Dianne Rowling
Anne Rowling
Peter Rowling
David Murray
Mackazine Murray
Jessica Arantes
Jorge Arantes

J.k Rowling mad 11 books total.In Conclusion, J.k Rowling is a Renaissance person to me because of all the things she created and made.

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