Final Portfolio Kuljit Real

Using a interesting angle on this picture brings the swings that are empty in.
The picture of my grandma because in the photo her emotion and expression is captured in such a way that people actually want to know what exactly she was thinking when the picture was taken.
The picture where the girl is sitting on the desk and the camera is capturing her emotion through the bench’s handle. The photo can be viewed in multiple ways when I first looked at the image the netural feeling shines through but if you take another glance then the seriousness is also protrayed as well.
I used the polaroid frame in the miniflio project to give the photo a unique look.
I used balanced compostion on the picture of the girl taking a picture because not only the girl in focus the whole view is in focus as well.
I used the filters and dodge and burn to bring in more of the details that were kind of lost and to make the picture to be more sharper then before.
This would be another example of a balanced composition.
I used leading lines in the picture of the fence becasue the viewer instantly gains attention to the the kid standing in the corner.
The most meaningful photo i have taken would be the one of my mom where she is smiling becasue people rarely see her smile as well being photographed.
Created By
Kuljit Real

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