Stephon Ray's Portfolio

Hello, My name is Stephon Ray. I’m 17 years old, and I’m a former student in Chelsea school. I took this pictures around the school with my photo class. I took photos of Teachers, objects, students, and places in school. And the photos have different effect on them too. Hopefully when I get into college, I can take photo class again. I hope you enjoy my photos in this gallery.

this Photo is outside of Chelsea school and it's near P.G Plaza
My biology teacher doing a experiment with middle division
in-depth shot of a chelsea mug
A friend of mine posed for my photo class.
a depth shot of a chelsea key chain
a close up shot of a hot-wheels: CHevy camaro ss
another shot with the car, but on a tire
an arts and craft chelsea pride sign at the front of the school
and theres the front of the building
and this is me in sprit week

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