Abraham Lincoln SEOYEON

"All men's should be equal," goes Abraham again

He is very helpful because he freed the slaves from work.

He reads everywhere because he likes reading.

He stood up to bullies because he didn't want the turtle to be hurt.

He is kind because he gave speeches and said,"All men's are created equal."

"All men's should be equal," Not again!!

Waa!Waa! Cries baby Abraham.

He was born in February 12, in Hardin, Kentucky.

He was born in a log cabin.

His family was Thomas, Nancy hanks Lincoln, and Sarah Lincoln.

They lived happily, but his mother died .

Soon, his father remarried.

He married Mary Todd Lincoln and raised Robert, Edward, William, Thomas.

Oh! What a sad day !He died at age 52 because of a gun shot.

He was very famous because he freed the slaves.

Also,he is on the American coin, Pennie. We won't forget Abraham Lincoln, won't we???


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