Welcome to Miss Sebolt's Classroom!

Hello Class! Welcome to our classroom! I am very excited to have you this year and look forward to a fun filled year!:)

Our Room

This is our owl themed classroom! Our front door is decorated with little owls, YOU! On the first day of school we will take your picture and post them on our owls!:) You will also find these owl pencils on your desks wishing you a happy first day of school.
As you can see, your desks will be set up like this! I will help you find your name when you first get to the classroom. We will have cubes set up to put our daily materials in as well.
We also have an amazing library and reading nook! Books are categorized by subject and reading level for your enjoyment.
This is where we will meet for small group interventions. Or, if you need to get up and move to a different spot, this is a great place to go!
This is where our classroom rules will be posted, along with our daily jobs, and our think about it posters. The think about it poster have a clothespin with your name on it. At the beginning of each day you will start out on super student! If I ask you to clip down that means you aren't doing your job :(

We will have an area where you can turn in any daily assignments. You will also drop off your take home folders here too.

The third picture shows our giant calendar and daily schedule! This is where we will meet each morning to discuss what our daily routine will look like.

This is my desk and filing area. This is where I will keep all of our curriculum, sub binders, lesson plans, etc. I will also have a mailbox where you can drop me a note in the morning to inform me of any problems you may be having or to tell me an exciting thing that has happened in your life!

These are some things we will be doing in our classroom throughout the year. We will have a quiet work light that will be switched on when you are to work quietly at your desk. When you see the light come off, that means you can quietly talk to your neighbor or that it is time to start the next subject.

We will also be setting a class weekly goal. Every Monday we will set a goal for the whole class to meet. When our marble jar fills up from people reaching the goal, we will get to draw a fun activity to do from the bucket!

We also will be using DoJo as our classroom management tool. You kids will get to create your very own DoJo character. Whenever you turn homework in on time, bring planners back signed, are working well, are following classroom rules, etc., you will receive DoJo points to use at the DoJo store!

We also will be doing daily brain breaks! When we start to get restless from sitting to long, we will choose a brain break from the container and get moving!:)

I am looking forward to meeting you! I hope you are as excited as I am to learn!


Miss Sebolt

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